Tax returns are due by April 30th. June 15th if you are self-employed.
Taxes owed for personal and self-employed individuals are due by April 30th
Tax Planning is the perfect way to arrange your affairs, within the limits of the law, to pay a minimum amount of tax.
April 30th
Our Fees
For 2019, 2020, 2021 tax years
Personal tax returns fees start at $85.00 | $160.00 for couples
Copies of tax returns and government document |$75
Extra charges may apply

As most people are aware, one of the most effective ways to increase disposable income is to reduce your tax bill. You can achieve this by taking full advantage of lower tax brackets, tax credits, available deductions, and the use of tax reduced investment income streams.
No one knows for sure what will happen to the tax rules in the future, so it’s never too late to a plan and prepare. Start taking advantage of the various tax planning strategies available to you today.
Tax Planning is the perfect way to arrange your affairs so that you pay a minimum amount of tax (of course, within the limits of the law) And, what better way to do so? – it’s, of course, to work with a certified financial planner.
To have your tax return prepared, please call or email at your earliest convenience.
Services available for
Famlies and individuals
By Appointment only. Call today.